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June's Message

Rev. Kathleen Mowat

Dear Church Family,

We are entering the lovely season of summer. The days are becoming longer, and we are able to enjoy time outside being with each other, listening to the birds and seeing the new life emerge. These are the gifts of God’s creative spirit.

There is time to be quiet, to think, to pray and to be thankful. During summer we can have time for the rest and renewal of our bodies, our minds, and our spirits.

We are also able to look ahead to the summer months and to some of our favourite activities of summer, hiking, walking, swimming, reading, canoeing, times when we feel at one with our natural surrounding.

Here is a prayer for the coming days.

“Gentle spirit, receive the whispers of our spirits. When we cannot share them aloud. Receive the cries of our heart when we hide them from public expression. Listen to the song we sing when we dream at night. Reach out to us so that we may be reminded that we are not alone.

For you are our partner in this world. Ready to be a shoulder to cry upon, ready to jump up and listen to us, even before we form the words. Help us to find the ways to communicate with you as a friend, sharing our pain and our joy, our love and our hurt. Help us to overcome the mistakes and times when we travel the wrong paths. Hug our souls so that they may feel the protection of your arms, today, tomorrow and until the day you greet us face to face.” Amen.

Eric Herbert – Daly

Gathering Pentecost 1 2023

Blessing of summer. Reverend Kathleen Mowat


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