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  • Writer's pictureRev. Dr. Bruce Sweet


As I write this, we are entering the season of Easter. Easter is not just one day but, rather, a way of life. In the Church, the Season of Easter lasts for seven weeks. Hopefully, however, this Spirit and presence lasts throughout the entire year.


The motion of Easter is out and away from darkness and into light and life and love.  Too, it moves us to giving rather than grasping.


I do not often quote from the old television show "The Simpsons", but it is hard not to. One scene that I certainly remember can be seen here:

Yes, but I'd trade it all for a little more


This makes me wonder how many Mr. Burns there are in the world, and if I am, at least at times, one of them. I also wonder if we can be the light needed to dispel the darkness of loneliness and suffering.


The eclipse of the sun will occur on April 8th. Do we feel eclipsed by other people or events? Are we the ones who could be eclipsing others?


In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)


Keep shining.

Happy Easter and beyond.


I am also including my email and phone number.  Please call or click if there is a time when you would like to talk.




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